Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Poladura to Pola de Lena 41 kms

The Posada was excellent last night. Wonderful food and wine with lots of conversation. Unfortunately, for some strange strange reason it closed the bar at 2030. Another beautiful day today which is very fortunate as I would not have liked walking down some of those slopes in the wet. In places it was slippery even when bone dry. I started off using the wise pilgrim app, I have used these very successfully on other caminos. However, the one for this camino is worse than useless, it wants to take routes that are nowhere near the marked camino trail. Fortunately, the way marking is good. The section from Poladura was up to the highest part of this camino but it is fairly gradual and not difficult in this great weather. As you head towards Pajares you are offered a choice to go to the Albergue at Pajares or go to San Miguel. As I had no need to go to Pajares I took the other route. Further on you are offered the same choice again. I found the part from SM to Llanos to be much more difficult that the first high section as there are lots of very steep up and down stretches. Thereafter the rest of the way into Campomanes was very pleasant especially the part through old chestnut trees. Campomanes to Pola de Lena was relatively flat unless you decide to visit the hermita which adds another very steep hike up and down. I have chosen to stay just outside PdL as the town seems uninspiring so have already walked about 2km of tomorrows stage to Oviedo. 

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