Sunday, 22 September 2019

Soncillo to Olea 49 km

Soncillo to Olea 49kms
It was not the day I thought I had planned!  There was much talk in the bar last night of heavy rain for today with thunder storms in the early afternoon. It rain hard overnight but was clear this morning and I had planned to walk to Arroyo and stay at La Lobera. As it was only about 28 km I decided to just walk quickly and then I should miss most of the storms. I stopped at Arija for a coffee and pincho and was well ahead of my time. Also the sky still looked clear with no signs of storms. I walked on and soon realised I would be at La Lobera around 1300 which is much earlier than I like to stop. I looked at the alternatives and Olea seemed the only option with accommodation but was not sure about walking another 20 ish kms. Got to La Lobera at just after 1300 having decided to stay there after all. However, I was told the room would not be ready for at least 2 hours. Didn’t fancy sitting around so said sorry but I would not be staying. Hence I ended up on Olea. This makes tomorrow’s walk easier as now I only have 24kms over the hills to Aguilar. However, having not intended to be at Casa Miguel in Olea I arrive with nothing but emergency rations. Miguel solved this by taking me to his friends (now closed) resturant, who supplies me with a take away plus a cold beer and vino tinto. What more could I want? As for the walk itself - it was a very pleasant day with mostly rural scenery. Lots of tarmac but surprisingly plenty of wild life, including deer, foxes, hedgehogs, snakes and a colourful lizard as well a a few semi wild horses. Only the lizard stayed around for a photo! The scenery was very interesting and the Ebro reservoir is in view for most of the day. The last few kms included a couple of hills just to extend the exercise. Most surprisingly there were 2 other Spanish peregrinos here walking the Olviado. Now Miguel has invited me to try his wine!

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