Thursday, 19 September 2019

Bilbao hostel to Balmaseda 33 Kms.

Left just after 0715 and arrived at the beautiful hotel convento san roque in Balmaseda just after 1400. It made a pleasant change to have a choice of places for coffee this morning as I was in the city!  Often I don’t get a coffee until after 1100. The cafes also all had a great choice of breakfast pinchos . I continued to follow Enders route along the river until I got to puente del diablo where I saw my first camino signs. Thereafter the route was well marked and it basically followed the river valley to Balmaseda. Overall, it was better than expected as the river was within hearing most of the time and although the first section is a little industrial, most is now defunct with a lot of pre and post 19th century water powered mills and factories. The majority of the walk is on tarmac or concrete and much is on a cycle path. Sections have be caste in situ with a cobblestone pattern - very uncomfortable. Luckily, despite it being a clear blue sky, much of the path was in shade so I stayed coolish until after 1100. Stoped at Guenes for a free drink - an offer to peregrinos if you complete their online surveys about a potential Albergue (AdP) - and I had a pincho of omelette and crab for breakfast. Now staying at the rather grand hotel which gave a pilgrim price of 33 euros for a lovely double room. Feet and body seem fine although my shoulders ache - I must adjust my waist strap - I plan to head for Espinosa de los Monteros tomorrow. 

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