Friday, 20 September 2019

Balmaseda to Espinosa de los Monteros 43 kms.

A long day today but it fits in well with my other days plans.  I started at 0720 and arrived at 1625.  I had planned to stop a few times on the way for a coffee and pinchos. Unfortunately,  all the bars I saw were closed!
The first few kms out of Balmaseda were a little dull as it was mostly along the main road. However, this soon changed and there was plenty of road with a fair bit on a medieval road that was fascinating if a little uncomfortable. Passed what must be a spectacular waterfall, but it was mostly dry today. Also saw a lot of wild flowers and in particular lots of wild crocus. I planned to use Enders app and his Wikiloc route today. This is my first camino using Wikiloc and I am now a fan as it beeps if you wander of course so you don’t need to keep looking at the map. However,  there were a few places where either the 2 apps did not agree or the yellow arrows were pointing in a different direction. Not a major problem as I new they would all take me to my destination.  At once point i chose to follow the Wikiloc route which gradually got overgrown and harder to walk along. Although there were still the occasional arrows. All the routes join up again so it just adds to the fun!  That said the yellow markings were not as good today and it would have been awkward without the gps tracks.  Off to Soncillo tomorrow which should only be about 34 kms. Staying at the Hotel Rural la Casa del Montero tonight and all seems good. Looking forward to something hearty to eat tonight. 

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