Sunday, 29 September 2019

Bonar to Vegacervera 28km

Bonar to Vegacervera 28km
The weather is getting cooler in the morning and there was a real chill in the air. However, it was a clear sky and looked to be a great day. Straight forward way out of Bonar along the river then you turn right and walk uphill for the next 15km! The way was extremely well marked and I could follow the yellow arrows all the way. Amazingly,  when I got to La Mata de la Berbula at just after 0930 there was a bar and it was open, on a Sunday!! Stopped for a coffee and some cake and headed out again. Really glad I stopped there because the next 4 kms are up some extremely  tough slopes. Not that that matters as the view was stupendous. There are a number of points when you think you are at the top, but you not! In fact once you find yourself in some high pastures with the ubiquitous cows, goats and horses then you are past the top. Wikiloc had it at 1680m. 
After Correcillas it’s a long gradual way into Vegacervera that is primarily on tarmac. However, it’s a very quiet road and it winds through oaks along side the river. This was another fantastic day that truly deserves the label - awesome (in the English usage). The track is challenging in places but the views are well worth the effort. To find the remains of a roman road up that high was a real treat. I’m staying in a place called El Chalten, which is a group of chalets with bunk beds. Only me in one chalet but a few of the others are occupied by a Spanish group doing some outdoor adventure activities. Tomorrow I head for Buiza and that’s about 16km which is where I leave the Camino Olvidado and join the Camino San Salvador heading for Oviedo. I plan to stop at Poladura which is 9kms further on. 

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