Monday, 18 September 2023

Puente Douro to Castelmonte. 37kms

tougher day than the distance would lead me to expect. In part because there are a few sneaky steep but short hills but also because I picked up a cold on fri which has reduced my energy levels. On top of that I pulled a lower back muscle on sun morning!  OK when I am walking but the transition with the rucksack is awkward. All that said it was a nice hike with plenty of small places to break up the day. Picked up some bread and cheese in a very small shop in Cigunuela and had a coffee somewhere I can’t remember! Now waiting outside the albergue. There are numbers call on the door at it states it’s open from 0900 to 2200. They came within 10 minutes of my call. Great albergue lots of space and a washing machine. Kitchen has great facilities which is useful as the one bar seems not to do any food. Fortunately I always bring something as there was little open from my start to here. I know that previous posters (David Taland??) have said there were 2 bars but the lady opening the albergue insists now there is only 1. And there is only one on their map. Off to Cuenca de Campos tomorrow - I think!

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