Sunday, 14 May 2017

Villalpando to Benavente 29 kms

Villalpando to Benavente 29 kms
Shortish day today and a fairly flat one. Easy route and a nice clear blue sky for a change. Nowhere open on the way which I expected being a Sunday. Could see Benavente from about 15kms away! Knew I had to get the AdP key from the tourist office and was just hoping it would be open. I arrived at just before 1300 and it turns out they close at 1300 as its a festa day!  Good directions to the AdP which has 12 beds and all the normal things. Was hoping for a washing machine but no luck. However, the bars are open so food options look good. Need to plan my next few days along the last bit of VdlP as I don't have guide. About 780kms done so far to what to me feels like the end of the Sureste as its VdlP and Invierno from here. So I walked to here without seeing another peregrino while walking and only 5 at the AdP in la Roda plus the Norwegian in Gotarrendura!  Not that I mind at all. I think the most difficult part in places was getting a meal in the evening before 2100!

1 comment:

  1. Yes we ditched the evening meal on the VdlP. Our usual 'main' meal was lunch - sometimes forcing a quick pace to arrive somewhere before 2pm...when things were generally closing down.
