MdC to Moto de Marques 49kms
Last nights meal was the best so far on this camino. A full size portion of lasagne to start, then a wonderful piece of roast pork with excellent crackling and a large salad to the side. Completed with a pud and for the first time this camino it included a bottle of wine! Cost 18 euros but unfortunately I was tired and only drank 2 glasses! Route today was straight forward and well marked but a little dull. Started dry but quickly turned to frequent heavy showers. Left at 0630 and arrived at 1600 with a short stop in Tordesillas for a bite to eat. Noted there was a hotel in Rueda ( 13kms from MdC) so that could split the last two stages into more 'normal ' distances. Called the lady who runs the AdP and she told me to wait in the bar! There is only one and they don't do meals! Luckily, they have pinchos and rolls so I won't starve!!
Some serious kms on this leg!