Pleasant start with good tracks and highlighted by some lovely fresh figs that still has the morning dew on them. Mind you a few hours later they did seem to disagree with mike. A hard walk today of a out 32kms that took 8.5 hours with a few stops in between. Stopped about 5 kms short of Gijon so that we can walk through the city tomorrow. Tonight is cabins on a camp site in Deva. Not a bad set up and only 5€ each. However, the washing machine and dryer are 7€ in total, but it is worth it to give everything (inc our caps) a good wash. Not decided where to head for tomorrow as we did not arrive until 1630 and are still sorting ourselves out. At least there is wifi and a restaurant on site so no more walking required tonight.
real luxury for the weary... wish you a good rest