Friday, 12 October 2012

Lourenza to Abadin 26km

Lourenza to Abadin 26km

Flights all booked last night for fri 19 Oct with Ryanair. Should leave SdC at about 1000 and arrive at Stansted around 1100. As always, most frustrating using Ripoffair web site. In part because it is not optimised for use with a mobile so the alerts messages and other 'offers' have to be search for around the screen but also because they bias it all to buying all of their extras which means a constant search for the NO option. I think they would also prefer that we use their app but as they want £2.99 for it whereas most company ones are free then I don't want it. Especially as I rarely fly with them. Got out at 0715 in the dark but wanted to get away from the snoring and get off before the crowds! There were more than 20 people on the AdP last night. Today's walk is described in the guide book as 'the hardest ascent in the entire northern way' and includes a 500m climb at the end. We therefore expected it to take about 71/2 hrs allowing for the climbs and a break for breakfast. However, we got to today's AdP at 1245 some 2 hours earlier than I expected. That said the climb was easier than we expected and we do now have well trained 'Camino Legs'. The hike was on good tracks and quiet Tarmac roads though woods which had an especially pleasant aroma after yesterday's rain. We climbed along the edge of a valley and even followed the trail under a 'Horres' which is the name for their construction used to store grain and other food stuffs over winter.  Today (12 Oct) is a national holiday so most shops are closed and the places at very quiet. However, we found a cafe open in Mondonedo for breakfast which looking at the photos on the wall was owned by a local famous cook. In fact the tarts and croissant were excellent. Arrived at the AdP before it was due to open at 1300 so stopped at the bar for a drink. Ideally, we would have walked on another 6km or so as we were feeling quite fresh and it would have reduced tomorrows walk from 36km but the next accommodation is more than 18km away. One small bar here and no restaurant but evidently there is one 0.5km away so I guess a little stroll in the evening will be nice. 

1 comment:

  1. Do hope you both find somewhere open to eat tonight. Counting the days now Christa
