Monday, 20 March 2017

Decided, its the Camino Sureste

Decision made, I’m going to try to do the Camino Sureste this time from Alicante to Santiago de Compostela (SdC). Approx 1100kms with the highest points around 1350m. This is a less well travelled path so the availability of Albergues (AdPs) is limited, especially for the first section, but there should be enough alternatives such as Hostels and Hotels. Luckily, AirBnB is getting more popular in these locations so that becomes another option. Where there are AdPs and I can find them and they are open I will definitely use them. Previous reports have very few people walking this route so I may welcome the chance of some company that may be found in the AdPs! The Sureste does cross with the Levante from Valencia a few times so that is another opportunity to meet with others. Formally, the Sureste joins up with the Frances in Astorga but I will probably leave that route asap to avoid the crowds and head along the Invierno.

I plan to fly to Alicante on Easter Monday 17 Apr and then do 4 days intensive Spainish lessons before starting the walk on Sat 22 Apr. I want to improve my very basic Spanish as I am likely to need to ask for more directions and other help on this Camino as it is walked relatively little. That said there is an organisation in Alicante dedicated to the Sureste so I plan to visit them while there to get additional information and a guide! I already have some good GPS tracks and a homemade spreadsheet that puts all the info I could find in one place.

Buen Camino!

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