Sunday, 1 May 2016

Canaveral to Carcaboso via Galisteo about 35 Kms

Canaveral to Carcaboso via Galisteo about 35 Kms. Mostly a very nice walk with lots of variety. There is one place were the route splits as there has been a (now resolved) right of way dispute. So the original way is now open again. However, it seems there is still some bad blood as the disputed land has signs that warn of dangerous animals and when I walked up the fenced in track I came across a very large bull! I stopped and considered my actions then decided to walk on slowly and play opera. Seem to work as he ignored me! Galisteo is a lovely looking walled town but unfortunately being 1200 on a bank holiday sun it was closed.  A little disappointing on the inside just lots of small houses. The last 11 km to Carcaboso was fairly dull as it was all on Tarmac. Still got to the lovely AdP all fine at 1400. Now ready to eat as previous nights place had no shop and nothing open on the way so 35 km done on water and cereal bars. Could see snow on distant hills but still clear blue skies and about 25 degs! Camino legs now seem to be in place so into much notice the hills. Right foot is perfect and left is almost there.

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